Monday, December 26, 2011

Something for today...

I got a message on my phone the other day…….you are someone to somebody. I stopped writing because I thought no one was actually following my blog, and that no one really cared about what I wrote. But this Christmas, I got to know that even if one person does wait for me to write, it matters. Thank you N. J

There is so much on my mind, so much to share, but with the advent of technology, my words get cornered. I have no complaints with technology, if not for it; you would not be reading this right now. But  here is a small satire to technology:

Everyone seems to have their heads down,
Fingers are busy typing.
More text and less talk.
Seats besides us are empty, but we don’t care.
Virtual reality is what is there.
But can u really FEEL what is there?

Sunday, September 18, 2011

What Disney didn’t tell us

After a series of maladies, Cinderella finally meets Prince Charming.

Walt Disney Productions played a big role in my childhood. They made the movies with happy endings and where dreams never die. To my best, I watched most of the classics – Snow White, Cinderella, Little Mermaid, Aladdin…and the list continues. Disney princesses were my idols and I fantasized about my life being one big Disney movie.

And so, like the story goes, enters Prince Charming. I’m sure most of us have met him, haven’t we? But what happens next? Did we expect that life would be perfect thereafter? (I timidly raise my hand in affirmative.)
The movie I dreamt is over and now I have reality staring starkly in the face, and it doesn’t look pretty. Plus, evil stepmother is still lurking around.

After you meet Prince Charming, do you know where you are heading? He may be a workaholic, you may be one too; you both may belong to different worlds or different cities/countries even. So what do you do? Continue living your practical life even though your heart says that he may be the one? Give up or ignore the circumstances and hope for things to fall into place? Some things in life are predetermined, and you can’t fight fate. And as the saying goes – if it’s meant to be, it will be. But, life is also 99% of what you make of it. And if you are the religious type – God only helps those, who help themselves.

There are also times when things suddenly take a downfall and things aren’t what they used to be. Alarm bells start ringing in your heart. Is it time to abandon ship? And this is where the Evil Stepmother starts to work her magic on you. Depression and negativity come into play. Sometimes, you are so scared of the relationship turning sour, that out of desperation, you try so hard, that things turn worse. Some may even unconsciously present Prince Charming with the opportunity to end the relationship.

Is that what you really want?

And while sitting heartbroken, there will be days when a certain song, picture or memory pops up to remind you that things were good and that they still can be. Now here is where you need to be patient and positive.

And what of Prince Charming? Does he know of the fears playing out in your head? Sometimes, yes. But isn’t love worth fighting for?

Atleast one thing Disney has taught me – never stop believing in your dreams. Take chances, it could be the best thing that ever happened to you.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

The Evil Stepmother - Negative Emotions!

The weekend has mulled me to rationalize the science of jealousy. And so I ardently search the internet for a scientific reasoning. Google provided an intensive number of hits, but I finally decided on quoting Wikipedia.

(Note – As a researcher, I never quote Wiki, but you got to admit, you get the most reasonable and easily understood articles here.)

The word stems from the French word, jalousie, formed from jaloux (jealous), and further from Low Latin, zelosus (full of zeal), in turn from the Greek word ζήλος (zēlos), sometimes "jealousy", but more often in a positive sense "emulation, ardour, zeal"  (with a root connoting "to boil, ferment"; or "yeast").
Jealousy is a secondary emotion and typically refers to the negative thoughts and feelings of insecurity, fear, and anxiety over an anticipated loss of something that the person values, particularly in reference to a human connection. Jealousy often consists of a combination of presenting emotions such as anger, sadness, resentment and disgust. It is not to be confused with envy.
Jealousy is often reinforced as a series of particularly strong emotions and constructed as a universal human experience; it has been a theme of many artistic works that seek to privilege monogamous discourses. Psychologists have proposed several models of the processes underlying jealousy and have identified factors that result in jealousy. Sociologists have demonstrated that cultural beliefs and values play an important role in determining what triggers jealousy and what constitutes socially acceptable expressions of jealousy. Biologists have identified factors that may unconsciously influence the expression of jealousy. Artists have explored the theme of jealousy in photographs, paintings, movies, songs, plays, poems, and books. Theologians have offered religious views of jealousy based on the scriptures of their respective faiths.

The article does have a lengthy discourse but we get the picture. I think most of us feel jealous because we feel insecure, another negative emotion, and the root of most fears. Here’s another interesting article I found.

The Trouble with Insecurity

How those who suffer from low self-esteem sabotage their own relationships.
By Jeff Howe, published on May 01, 1999 - last reviewed on May 18, 2007
Most people seek a soul mate to love them unconditionally. But those who need such acceptance most—the terminally insecure—often sabotage their own chances at bliss.
When we're feeling low, we often regain confidence through a mate's love and support. Unfortunately, says Sandra Murray, Ph.D., people who suffer from low self-esteem assume that their loved ones notice their glaring faults more than their redeeming virtues.
In four experiments, Murray and colleagues asked subjects to think of a time they'd disappointed their partner. Finally, subjects answered a questionnaire assessing the strength of their partner's love and their feelings for him or her. Mulling over the past incident led insecure subjects to report that their mate did not accept them as they were. Ironically, insecure people seemed to push away a possible source of reassurance by thinking less of their loved ones. Afraid of rejection, the less confident fear that their partners will get wind of their flaws, explains Murray, of the State University of New York at Buffalo. They try to distance themselves before they get dumped.
"People with low self-esteem are doubly at risk" of feeling vulnerable in a relationship, she says. "They tend to believe their partner's regard is conditional." Luckily, says Murray, stable relationships are known to boost self-esteem. So, the longer the insecure person hangs on to a loving partner, the less likely she is to drive him away.

I rest my case…….nothing more to be said.

But wait!!!!! We just can’t let these insecurities get the better of us. We could be with an awesome partner right now who isn’t aware of the above theorem. Why should we let our insecurities get the better of us? Why should we lose out on being with a wonderful person? 

It’s not easy, and neither is it easy to make the other person understand this. They would probably think that we are making an excuse for not being able to maintain a success relationship.

We have to make a promise to ourselves to live a happier and positive life. Take it one step at a time, and don’t rush because you might stumble and fall. Look around you, there’s always someone to help along the way. And I hope your partner understands and will always be with you no matter.

Here’s to happy endings. May we all get our Prince Charmings.

(RJ, I wish you could read this and understand.)

Monday, September 5, 2011

The story so far… (4th part to the Hostess series)

The disgruntled hostess had too much pride and very little common sense, and so she packed up her bags and headed to a place with sweltering heat, cattle on the road and an inglorious parliamentary system….India.

I survived recession when I first got to India, but after giving into emotional blackmail of a single parent, I came back to my actual home, Delhi. If you are wondering, you may have even guessed it right, I am Punjabi. A Christian Punjabi to be precise! We are rare, but do exist.

Fast forward to the present, I am turning 30 in 3 days and my mother is beginning to panic. No woman in the Punjabi community whether ugly or pretty, rich or poor would stay unmarried for so long. People begin to wonder, and wondering leads to talk. “Is she lesbian? Na baba na, what are you saying?!” “Such a nice pretty girl, but very bad luck she has.” “Maybe she is not finding the right boys, I will introduce her to my sister’s brother-in-law’s son who recently got divorced”. And so it goes on. Lately, I even have neighbors wanting me to meet a boy they know.

It’s not that I can’t get a man; I do have a boyfriend (at least that’s what they are still called). But it’s a long distance relationship – boy and girl, rather, man and woman live in two different states, and the 3G intercom services is what keeps the love alive. Did I say love? Oops! Friendship turning into like and hoping to fall in love is what it is.

While my mother is busy scanning through the matrimonials and envisioning a grand celebration, I interrupt her thoughts with my grand announcement – I have a boyfriend.
Mom – Is he Christian?
Me – No, he’s Hindu.
Mom – North Indian?
Me – Gujrati
Mom – Educated?
Me – Yes, he’s a MBA and runs a business.
Mom – Are you serious about each other?
Me – I don’t know. I do like him a lot.
Mom – Will he marry you?
Me – I don’t know.
Mom – Then what do you want me to do?
Me – I don’t know. I’m telling you because you need to know. But I guess you can keep searching for grooms for me. (I have to be practical here, because even the boyfriend’s mother has told him to keep his options open.)
Me – What if we do decide to get married to each other?
Mom – Then you’ll have a court-wedding.
And I’m left standing with my mouth hitting the ground, and I think I heard a ‘clunk’.

Now don’t get my mother wrong. She’s an Indian mother and that too a Punjabi one. If you defy your parents and marry out of caste, you are only entitled to a simple wedding. But if you are the ‘ghar ka shaan’ (star of the house), who gets married to the spouse of your parents’ choice, then even the Gods shower gold upon you.

While I have an obsessing mother to deal with, I also have to tread carefully with the boyfriend. At the start of a relationship, everything seems perfect and you think absolutely nothing can go wrong. But down the line, a few months later, trouble begins to knock. I live miles away from him, what can I do to keep the romance alive? (But that’s not the dilemma here.) Just that I am turning 30, travelled the world and openly swear in public, am I considered a different variant of the female species? Older does mean wiser, but that doesn’t mean we are rid of feelings, especially the worst one of all – jealousy! When you frankly tell a man that you are the possessive type, he thinks you are cool and takes it sportingly. But when finally confronted with the emotion, he thinks that you are immature! Argh! What law of the universe is this? Am I not allowed to feel jealous and insecure? Which woman is devoid of such feelings? We are not cool all the time. For Heaven sake, even mothers feel jealous of their son’s wives/girlfriends!

Men, when we have feelings of negativity, we are not suspecting you of cheating on us. We just need your attention and be reminded that we are better than the rest. (Extra effort required for long-distance girlfriends.)

I wish life, especially relationships came with an instruction manual.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Never been kissed

November 28, 2009

(Disclaimer - for those of you who have seen the movie, you know where I've borrowed the words. I am just expressing my thoughts on them.)

I finally got to see 'Never Been Kissed' today. It's now been added to my list of favourite movies. But what spurns me on to write is what Josie (Drew Barrymore) tells her friends.(not the exact words though)

..."I've never kissed a boy. I mean not in that special way. That moment when the world goes hazy and all that matters is you and that person. That one moment when you want to both laugh and cry. That one moment when you love that person so much and yet fear that you might lose him..."

I've never been kissed that way. I have felt weak in the knees and melted with kisses, but is it the same?

I want to have that kiss which will always put a smile on my face. That kiss which will banish the fears. That kiss which will brush away the tears. That kiss which will put a song in my heart. That kiss that will be with me through thick and thin, And still keep kissing me until I am old.

Have any of you ever been kissed that way?

A different ending to the book 'Chocolat'

(Written in 2008)
Monday, March 31st
Easter Sunday
The winds have changed directions, pere. A warm gush of wind blows, restless. It was the change of the north winds that embarked her presence in Lansquenet. I thought I could gain victory over her, and make her fly away with the next change of winds. Instead, it is me that the winds are carrying away with them.
               Is this the fruit of my penitence? Is this what the Lord had in store for me? I was weak with abstinence during the entire period of lent. I resisted. I tended to my flock, but to what avail? And even you, mon pere, your body has failed you. Just when I needed to see your solemn face, to reconfirm the faith within myself. Your suffering, a constant reminder of the tribulations that one must endeavour to achieve divination.
             And those chocolates…..those chocolates. Tempting me with voices from their inner souls, calling me, mocking me.
‘Taste me, Try me’.
They attack me with their redolence. Their smell, an intoxication, alluring me out of my resistance. A seduction more damned than the covetousness of the flesh. Ah! Their names just as bewitching as their aromas. White rum truffle. Manon Blanc. Crème de cassis. Each word rolling over your tongue as if succulently making love to them.

Oh pere, how could I be so weak? I preached to my people to resist temptation, to resist her, to resist those chocolates, but they were my own downfall. It is all the doing of Viann. She made me do this. She entered my mind and tempted me with her sorcery. She is a witch I tell you, a witch! Underneath that beautiful, smooth soft skin, and lovely smile that curves ah so gently around her mouth, looking so naïve and innocent, lies evil! I knew it the moment I saw her. I felt it in the wind. I should have gotten rid of her the moment she set foot in Lansquenet. She and her wild bastard.
              She made me want to think of Muscat. To liken him to a pig. Knowing so well that gluttony is the evil of a pig. She eluded my thoughts. She has watched over my dreams at night, catching them in the weathervane above St. Jerome. And when she finally removed her veil from my mind, there I was on the ground, rolled over in chocolate, a display of humiliation. Just like her display of Eostre, I lay next to it, a show of her winnings.
              I arose from there with whatever dignity I could muster and hurriedly came to you, Mon pere, to soothe my wounds. But the nurse waiting for me was the forbearer of bad news. Why pere? Why could you not wait for me to come back? Did you not give me a sign yesterday? Is this what this Easter was supposed to be, a resurrection of your soul?
But we shall meet again, pere. I have been pure for you.
               Armande Voizin stands in front of me, youthful again with her dark hair flying wildly in the wind. Even the dead mock me. The winds may be carrying me away, but I shall find you Vianne Rocher. How long will you stay in tranquility in Lansquenet? You are restless like the winds. They won’t let you stay for long. And when the winds change directions again, our paths will cross. Till then, I wait in readiness.

Food for Thought

(Written in 2008)

The food on my plate stares at me, and I stare back. It makes me ponder. I guess that’s why it’s called, ‘Food for Thought’.

Two years ago, a meal was never eaten alone. There was always my family to eat with or friends. Now, time seems to have passed by in a flash, and I am sitting by myself, looking at the food on my plate, and reflecting.

Whenever I used to see someone eating by themselves, I thought of them as lonely people. Right now I am eating by myself, but I am I lonely? Not in the true sense but I am alone, away from the people I love the most.

Ever since I’ve come to Canada, food always reminds me of home. The patter of cooking utensils, Mom giving instructions to the cook, and the pleasing aroma of a home-cooked meal. These were things I used to take for granted. When I wouldn’t eat my meal, my mother would be after me to eat my food. Now, there is no one to ask whether I’ve eaten or not.

Living away from home obviously endeavors us into our venture of cooking. And me, being armed with my basic cooking skills, try to satisfy my taste buds with a taste of home. However, there always seems to be something missing. What is it? One day, I very bravely endeavored to make a particular dish that my mother makes. I had the hand written recipe from her, and was sure that it would be perfect. But after an hour into, it looked nothing like it should have. And the taste, well, I’ve definitely tasted better. I really miss my mother then. I wish she were here, taste my cooking, and give me a tight hug.

Well, my mother and family aren’t here, but I do have my friends. And my friends are like my family. So now, I never miss out on an opportunity to eat with them, and then the food feels more fulfilling. After all, doesn’t food taste better with people you love?

In fact, I have a pact with a friend to try different cuisines every Sunday, and till now, we’ve had quite an interesting gastronomical experience! The best one yet was last week when we went to try out Korean cuisine. Our table had a grill in the middle of it, and we were quite curious to learn how it works. Our server was very friendly, and patiently taught us how to cook the food on the grill. He created an ambience that made us enthusiastic to cook our food (an ordeal which we usually dread). In the end, we cooked a sumptuous meal and relished every bit of it.

What is it about food that makes us so reflective? Is it the effect of food itself? Or is it the solitude we give ourselves when we sit down to eat? I am grateful for the food that I eat because there are others who are less fortunate and do not even get to eat the healthy food that they need. We do take a lot of things for granted, and as we sit down to eat, we all should reflect on the day gone by and the day to come, to remember the people we love, and not take things for granted. And above all, thank God for the food on our table.

But food shouldn’t be taken in all seriousness. There is also the fun-loving side of food. There is comfort food, and the food of love.

So, drink, eat and be merry, for tomorrow we shall diet!

Take My Reservation, Bitch!

(3rd and last Hostess story)

Why do people get offended when they don't get what they want? Why does it bring out the worst in some of them? Even for a petty thing, like a reservation?!

Another question. (I think questioning is becoming my trademark. So I have been told by a friend.) When you plan for a big get together with friends, is it usually last minute? I am talking of a large group of 10 and more. Do people think that it's their prerogative to demand a reservation and be honoured for making a reservation? Uh-uh!!

My prestigious little restaurant is quite a hot spot during the weekends. Our wait times, under dire circumstances, even run upto 1 hour! The sensible ones, with proper planning, make their reservations days in advance, which is beneficial to them and us hostesses. That way, we can plan seating arrangements for the evening ahead. We usually have large parties ranging from 15 to upto 50 even (and one time a 100 for a christmas party) during the weekends. When we have large parties like that, most of the tables are taken for an expected 3 hours atleast. And so, we also have to make sure that there is room for the people who come in without reservations. Mind you, once we have one party of 20 or more on the list, it's difficult to take another big party.

One weekend, we got overbooked with our reservations. We had a party of 50 and a party of 30 for the same evening. That means about half of the restaurant is taken over by campers (restaurant lingo: customers who will just sit and talk despite having been done with food). So obviously, we couldn't take on any more parties. However, one very mean woman did try to make a last minute reservation, and unfortunately, got her way.

My fellow hostess took the call for this woman's reservation. She very politely explained the situation to the customer as to why we couldn't take the reservation. But the woman refused to understand and demanded to know who was in-charge of reservations. When told it was the hostess itself, she was deeply offended, and wanted to speak to the manager. The manager had just stepped out and was unavailable. The woman went into a rage. She tells my colleague, "You better take my reservation, you fucking bitch. It's because of reservations made by people like me that your fucking restaurant runs. So you better stop showing me your attitude, and take my reservation, bitch!" Oh my God! How can anyone talk like that?! Is making a dinner reservation such big an issue?

Then, the woman called back later and spoke to the manager. She had the audacity to tell him that the hostess was extremely rude to her daughter and made her cry. And so, my manager had to take the reservation.

What about the nonsense my colleague had to bear? The manager later called my colleague to know what had happened. She told him that the customer called her a bitch and that it was her that was rude. Well, the reservation had already been taken and nothing could be done.

The day such people come, we really don't bother about them because it's the weekend and we are way too busy trying to get a quick turnover for the rest of the customers. If they have a problem, and have to wait for the table to be ready (which they usually have to despite the reservation), they are directed to the manager.

But seriously, is a reservation such big a deal that a person has to stoop so low as to use profanity to get their way? You may have the money, but it definitely doesn't buy you any manners.

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My Wife, The Queen

(2nd story from the Hostess days)
The disgruntled hostess would like to make comparisons of her personal life with the customers she meets. 

I am a relationship disaster. I somehow always make a beeline for the ‘assholes’ and after a blissful and brief courting, I find myself not content with the affair, and after a few days, I am morose over the breakup.

A girlfriend of mine tells me that I need to be with a man who will worship me. She says that I am too nice to the men I meet, and need to show more ‘attitude’ to them. Well, I don’t know when I’ll learn that and find Mr. Right. Unlike me, my girlfriend made her man chase her for six months! What a lucky woman!

But then, an incident happened at the restaurant after which I wasn’t sure if I want a man to worship me.

It’s a weekday evening, and a middle-aged couple walk in. I take them to their table. The lady critically inspects the table, and having not much of a choice, sits down. She then proceeds to the washroom.

After a while, she comes up to me and indignantly tells me that there is no water in the washbasin tap. (The taps in our washrooms are modern where they have to be pulled out to open.) I try to convince her that there is water in the taps, and that the taps have to be opened in a specific way. But she is not ready to believe me and tells me that she has tried to open the taps in every way and that there really isn’t any water in the taps. I tell her that I would come down with her to the washrooms and show her how the taps work, but she just wouldn’t budge.

Then her husband comes in and intervenes. She puts on an innocent face and cries to her husband that there is no water in the washrooms, and that her hands are covered with soap. I tell him that there is water, but it just depends on how you open the taps. Then the woman starts whining that she is so tired and that she cannot walk down the stairs again. She wants to wash her hands at the bar, but obviously, I can’t let her do that. (No customers, not even the servers can come into the bar area. It’s the domain of the bartender!) The woman is whimpering and whining to her husband now. Jeesh! Doesn’t she have a spine?

The husband obviously couldn’t bear to see his wife in distress and requests us to let her wash her hands at the bar.

What could I do now? And so, the bartender lets her wash her hands there, and then she just haughtily walks out of the restaurant with her husband following her.

That really left me exasperated that a woman could male such a deal over washing her hands, and even more peeved to see how her husband caters to her every whim and fancy! She didn’t even look the type who did any cooking and housework!

So, this makes me wonder, do I really want a man like that? Definitely, NOT!!!!

Dinging Tables & Egos

(From my college days, while working part time as a Hostess)

I am spurred on to write after hearing the stark contrast in opinions about myself. I am student, and like others of my reputable esteem, we fend for ourselves by working part-time. And my need for money forayed me into the restaurant business. I have been labeled as ‘butter-fingers’ since school, and so serving customers was out of the question. However, being bestowed with a congenial appearance, I landed the position of a hostess at a reputable restaurant.

Those of whom who know me personally, describe me as a loving, accommodating, helpful and hardworking person. (So I have been told). However, my customers at the restaurant think otherwise.

When I first started the working, I tried my best to keep myself in line because I was desperate to keep the job, and so, I took in all the absurd nonsense that came my way. But now, having worked nearly a year at the restaurant, I have learnt quite a bit. Being a hostess, it’s my job to seat the customers and handle reservations. I have to make sure that my fellow servers all get equal no. of tables to serve. I also have to make sure that tables are ready for customers who walk in, which means, I have to see that no customer is wasting a table.

Now this is my biggest challenge as a hostess- saying ‘No’ to a customer for a bigger table. Most restaurants have a standard size for a table of two, and it goes the same for my restaurant. But I sometimes have a problem in convincing two people to sit at a table of two. And it’s always the usual excuse, “This table is too small for me”, “It’s too crowded here, I need space, I need privacy”, “Don’t you want your customers to come back?” Oh gosh! Don’t people understand?! This is a restaurant, not a lounge or their homes. This is a place where people come to eat because they don’t want to cook. And when I refuse the bigger table to them, they get absolutely offended. Some of them start behaving rudely with me and tell me that I have an attitude problem, and then these people think they are punishing me by not leaving a tip for the server. Some just walk out. And some complain to the manager. Luckily, I have built a rapport with my boss and have proved my hard work and dedication to him. But after all, in the restaurant business, the customer is always right!

The worst thing that has happened is when a customer made me cry. A family of six walked in during a weekend, and I immediately got a table ready for them so that they wouldn’t have to wait. The ladies of the group were grateful, but the gentleman with them didn’t like the table and demanded that I go look for another table for him. He was so rude that he made me cry. Thankfully his daughter calmed him down and handled the situation.

One time during the summer, I wouldn’t give a couple a bigger table on the patio, especially since there was a huge line-up. The gentleman is obviously very upset with his, and tells me that he owns eight condos in the building next to us and that he demands to see the manager. Unfortunately for him, neither was my manager impressed with his display of money.

The other thing that I hate, is when during a waiting list on weekends, some men (a woman has never done this with me) come up to me flashing their business cards, telling me that they do business nearby and that if I don’t get them a table immediately, they will not promote our restaurant at work. I never imagined that people could stoop so low.

So what is it that drives people to be so mean to the poor little hostess? Hunger? Partly. But from my experience and observation, it all boils down to ‘ego’. I have noticed, the bigger the ego, the bigger the table. The size of the table flatters them. It’s a feeling of space, of abundance. On a bigger table, the person also feels ‘big’. You might think that the basis of this completely shallow, but do me a favor, the next time you go to someone’s house, observe the size of their dining table and associate it with the host’s personality. And if you are one of the egocentric kinds, which table do you prefer to sit at the restaurant?

But despite the 60% of mean, egoistic customers I deal with, there are the 40% who are really nice people, have the proper restaurant etiquettes and always come back. What surprises me sometimes, is that the truly wealthy and egoistic looking ones, are always the most nicest of all.

Why wait for tomorrow?

Who knows what tomorrow holds?
We live for today as if there is no tomorrow.
We love and hate the same day.
Tomorrow is a mystery no one knows.
Where hate might change into love, and love into hate.
And happiness into sorrow.
Do we live tomorrow or do we die?
So why wait for tomorrow?
When we can do all in one day.


There is no 'US'
Its just You and I
In our two separate spheres.

But I try to find a link,
A way to join our spheres,
To try to become 'US'.

Laundry (an ode to the Dhobi)

Oh dear Dhobi,
What is the secret wonder to the fresh clean clothes you get for me?
The summery clean smell of Surf Excel,
The chamak of Neel on my white clothes,
And the crisp Revive starch on cottons.
I have laundry to do on my own,
Which is quite a task for us Indians abroad.
Oh I miss you Dhobi,and you too Mom.
Can I mix the whites with dark?
How do I remove stains from clothes?
What do I do if my clothes bleed?
What do I do to get back the vitality of my clothes?
My clothes are so sad,they look dull.
There is all the wrong colour on them.
Pink on white,black on yellow.
Its a war in the washers and dryers out here,
They miss the softness of being washed with our old age style of hands.
My clothes are not modern,
They do not conform to technology,
They need the loving care of the Dhobi (and you too Mom).
So my dear,dear Dhobi
Would you come away with me?
To fulfill the dreams of my clothes
And make them fresh and bright again?


The wind is chilly,it's icy cold.
I come back to my place,
An empty room.
It's so cold.

Loneliness,it freezes up my heart.

But then,I have my memories with me,
And it begins to melt the ice.
Memories of love,
And I am warm again.

I don't miss you

I don't miss you,
Even though my soul calls out your name.
Yours is a name stuck to each breath of mine.
A name I breathe out when I awake,
A name I breathe out when I slumber.
But I really don't miss you.
I don't have to.
Because you are just here,
Right there inside of me.
And every breath I take,
Is a reassurance of your presence.