Monday, September 5, 2011

The story so far… (4th part to the Hostess series)

The disgruntled hostess had too much pride and very little common sense, and so she packed up her bags and headed to a place with sweltering heat, cattle on the road and an inglorious parliamentary system….India.

I survived recession when I first got to India, but after giving into emotional blackmail of a single parent, I came back to my actual home, Delhi. If you are wondering, you may have even guessed it right, I am Punjabi. A Christian Punjabi to be precise! We are rare, but do exist.

Fast forward to the present, I am turning 30 in 3 days and my mother is beginning to panic. No woman in the Punjabi community whether ugly or pretty, rich or poor would stay unmarried for so long. People begin to wonder, and wondering leads to talk. “Is she lesbian? Na baba na, what are you saying?!” “Such a nice pretty girl, but very bad luck she has.” “Maybe she is not finding the right boys, I will introduce her to my sister’s brother-in-law’s son who recently got divorced”. And so it goes on. Lately, I even have neighbors wanting me to meet a boy they know.

It’s not that I can’t get a man; I do have a boyfriend (at least that’s what they are still called). But it’s a long distance relationship – boy and girl, rather, man and woman live in two different states, and the 3G intercom services is what keeps the love alive. Did I say love? Oops! Friendship turning into like and hoping to fall in love is what it is.

While my mother is busy scanning through the matrimonials and envisioning a grand celebration, I interrupt her thoughts with my grand announcement – I have a boyfriend.
Mom – Is he Christian?
Me – No, he’s Hindu.
Mom – North Indian?
Me – Gujrati
Mom – Educated?
Me – Yes, he’s a MBA and runs a business.
Mom – Are you serious about each other?
Me – I don’t know. I do like him a lot.
Mom – Will he marry you?
Me – I don’t know.
Mom – Then what do you want me to do?
Me – I don’t know. I’m telling you because you need to know. But I guess you can keep searching for grooms for me. (I have to be practical here, because even the boyfriend’s mother has told him to keep his options open.)
Me – What if we do decide to get married to each other?
Mom – Then you’ll have a court-wedding.
And I’m left standing with my mouth hitting the ground, and I think I heard a ‘clunk’.

Now don’t get my mother wrong. She’s an Indian mother and that too a Punjabi one. If you defy your parents and marry out of caste, you are only entitled to a simple wedding. But if you are the ‘ghar ka shaan’ (star of the house), who gets married to the spouse of your parents’ choice, then even the Gods shower gold upon you.

While I have an obsessing mother to deal with, I also have to tread carefully with the boyfriend. At the start of a relationship, everything seems perfect and you think absolutely nothing can go wrong. But down the line, a few months later, trouble begins to knock. I live miles away from him, what can I do to keep the romance alive? (But that’s not the dilemma here.) Just that I am turning 30, travelled the world and openly swear in public, am I considered a different variant of the female species? Older does mean wiser, but that doesn’t mean we are rid of feelings, especially the worst one of all – jealousy! When you frankly tell a man that you are the possessive type, he thinks you are cool and takes it sportingly. But when finally confronted with the emotion, he thinks that you are immature! Argh! What law of the universe is this? Am I not allowed to feel jealous and insecure? Which woman is devoid of such feelings? We are not cool all the time. For Heaven sake, even mothers feel jealous of their son’s wives/girlfriends!

Men, when we have feelings of negativity, we are not suspecting you of cheating on us. We just need your attention and be reminded that we are better than the rest. (Extra effort required for long-distance girlfriends.)

I wish life, especially relationships came with an instruction manual.


  1. I so much wish the same and more so, instruction manual for Distance relationships.. i empathise as well as sympathise with you on this ...

  2. Hello Incognito,

    You know what the real problem with your generation is??? the fact that at every turn of life you need to be spoon fed... (or in your words - instruction manual)... :)

    Don’t take offence... but the whole idea of life is to discover and explore... A woman who has traveled the world should ideally be smart enough to get that... haven't you traveled the world... didn't you realize that the one thing that we have been taught to follow since childhood is the only thing that never existed in this universe... yes I am talking about an INSTRUCTION MANUAL!!!

    Life my dear friend is not about following an instruction manual... you came to this universe to make your own manual... though what we do need is a BALANCE...
    My dear writer... 'possessive type' is not something to be proud about... its more scary than being jealous... possessiveness is a disease... so if you tell a sane boy that you have a deadly disease, he will initially laugh about it... and then when he has to face it... he will go bonkers... its a bloody cancer for relationships...
    Let me define possessiveness for you... Possessiveness is a feeling aroused by lack of self confidence, lack of trust in your partner and if i may say (in some cases) the feeling that the world is full of people just like you are!!! so now if you look at the definition of this disease... tell me - isn’t this a bloody recipe of disaster for any relationship??? Would you like to be with someone who doesn’t trust you, would you like to be with a person who is not confident about themselves or would you like to be with someone who does not believe in the relationship they are in???
    ans is simple... NO NO NO!!! Then why... why would you expect normal people to accept possessiveness... I can accept someone who is jealous off and on... but possessive!!! BY GAWD RUN!!! she has the potential to ruin the relationship and if lucky me...

    so miss Incognito,
    my humble advice (I am no one to do that I know... :)) is that you should correct that possessiveness... don’t like it... start trusting the man you want to live with or you are considering to live with... I am not saying one should be gullible and stupid in this business... a woman who has traveled the world should know this... but in fact what I am trying to say is - never generalize men or any specie for that matter... have you ever been to 2 places which are identical (say what traveler???)
    ok... well I am a busy man... have to stop writing and get back to work... :) but at the end if i may add another point to the definition of possessiveness

    a person who judges everyone based on the kind of people he or she has been meeting... (This is the worst case BTW)

    HAVE A GOOD ONE Incognito

    May you take no offence?
