Sunday, September 18, 2011

What Disney didn’t tell us

After a series of maladies, Cinderella finally meets Prince Charming.

Walt Disney Productions played a big role in my childhood. They made the movies with happy endings and where dreams never die. To my best, I watched most of the classics – Snow White, Cinderella, Little Mermaid, Aladdin…and the list continues. Disney princesses were my idols and I fantasized about my life being one big Disney movie.

And so, like the story goes, enters Prince Charming. I’m sure most of us have met him, haven’t we? But what happens next? Did we expect that life would be perfect thereafter? (I timidly raise my hand in affirmative.)
The movie I dreamt is over and now I have reality staring starkly in the face, and it doesn’t look pretty. Plus, evil stepmother is still lurking around.

After you meet Prince Charming, do you know where you are heading? He may be a workaholic, you may be one too; you both may belong to different worlds or different cities/countries even. So what do you do? Continue living your practical life even though your heart says that he may be the one? Give up or ignore the circumstances and hope for things to fall into place? Some things in life are predetermined, and you can’t fight fate. And as the saying goes – if it’s meant to be, it will be. But, life is also 99% of what you make of it. And if you are the religious type – God only helps those, who help themselves.

There are also times when things suddenly take a downfall and things aren’t what they used to be. Alarm bells start ringing in your heart. Is it time to abandon ship? And this is where the Evil Stepmother starts to work her magic on you. Depression and negativity come into play. Sometimes, you are so scared of the relationship turning sour, that out of desperation, you try so hard, that things turn worse. Some may even unconsciously present Prince Charming with the opportunity to end the relationship.

Is that what you really want?

And while sitting heartbroken, there will be days when a certain song, picture or memory pops up to remind you that things were good and that they still can be. Now here is where you need to be patient and positive.

And what of Prince Charming? Does he know of the fears playing out in your head? Sometimes, yes. But isn’t love worth fighting for?

Atleast one thing Disney has taught me – never stop believing in your dreams. Take chances, it could be the best thing that ever happened to you.

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