Monday, March 5, 2012

Be the change

I am sure that most of us look at the plight of the poor around us, and wonder to ourselves – What can we do for them? We ignore the street children begging for money because we are told not to encourage such acts. True. By condemning begging, we hope that this would compel the beggars to work for their livelihood. But is this all we can do?

We look towards our NGOs to deal with such situations. But even they are ill-funded and are limited to the help that they can extend. Our Government is unreliable. The rich get richer and the poor get poorer. So ask yourself again – What can YOU do and what is it that you are doing for those in need?

For the past couple of months, I changed my route to work. I noticed a group of children sitting on the pavement, and an old woman teaching them. She had hung her small blackboard and ‘alphabet’ charts on the wiring near the road, and each child with a slate of their own. This was the school I passed by every day. Never was the teacher not there for her students.

Here was a woman who had set up shop at the side of the road and was teaching children all by herself.  I was amazed at her uniqueness, and so, I stopped on my way to work and spoke to her.

Gaurav Ma Snehlata Hooda runs this small पाठशाला for the slum children. She is 68 years old, retired from an administrative job and lives on a pension. And it is with this money that she takes care of these children.

How did she start? She’s been doing this since 7 years, and she does it because she just wants to.

The children didn’t go to her, she went to the children. She went around on foot looking for these children in slums, and in labour groups. She picks up these children from the streets and gathers them together to try and provide them with a better life. She tells her children that she wants them to study so that one day they will come riding on a bike to visit her. She wants these children to dream, and know that they can.

When I went there, I didn’t know what to expect. But I was greeted warmly by Gaurav Ma, and she gladly told me her story. She showed me several newspaper clipping and magazine articles about this endeavor of hers. People come, write stories about her, and yet she asks for nothing. All she asked me was to give her support.

Even the children were such a disciplined bunch. Not at all rowdy as expected. Infact, most of them were in uniform, with clean faces and combed hair. I was greeted with a very cheerful ‘Good morning Ma’am’, and was asked to come visit them again. :) Gaurav Ma has truly done a good job with these kids.

And so my friends, even I am not asking you for much. If something really bothers you, then put your foot out first and go ahead to make the change. Gaurav Ma is making the change that she wants to make.

For those of you who would like to visit Gaurav Ma, her small school is on the Gurgaon Golf Links road on the way to Huda Metro Station. Her contact no. is 9818391118.


  1. Well put together R.. Truly, we should be taking actions on whatever bothers and troubles us and do our bit to make this society a better place to live in. :)

  2. Wow, it is amazing. I just visited this Gaurav Maa at her Gaurav Niketan this moring. My friend is volunteering to be a teacher there. It's really fantastic to see her and her class.
