Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Satyamev Jayate - My hue, cry and appeal to you

When I first saw the teaser video, it gave me goose-bumps. Honest! I even tweeted it as 'soul-stirring'.

The first episode was eagerly awaited. The topic - female foeticide. Aamir Khan hit the mark! What better way to start the show, especially when U.N is focusing on women's issues for 2012. This definitely speaks for the intensive research done for the program.

But what irked me was the audience's reaction. People were shocked and declared the show as an eye opener. But why? Don't people read the newspaper? The same incident of the high no. of cases of female foeticide in Rajasthan was reported a few months ago. There are hoardings around cities against the death of the female child. I have been aware of this issue ever since school.

Then came the rumors that Aamir is being paid 'x' crores for each episode, and that the emotions are fake. Aamir Khan, India's answer to Oprah Winfrey.

The angst was however, settled by my mother. She is a social worker with a women's human rights group. They had been petitioning against female foeticide, and Satyamev Jayate had helped their cause, with Aamir Khan bringing the issue into the limelight.

But then came a second blow with the episode on medical malpractices. I agree that a lot of malpractice does happen. There are so many doctors who have bought their degree. Haven't you heard about a famous minister's elder daughter being a doctor? India has probably the highest density of medical colleges. And yes, action must be taken against such practices. But Aamir, do you understand the psyche of your audience? In India, one rotten apple spoils the entire basket. And that's exactly what happened to the medical fraternity. My fellow doctors were attacked. Yes, what was highlighted in the show is true, but people need to be sensible and not ostracize the entire medical community.

Today morning, I caught the rerun of 'Persons with disabilities - we can fly'. Thankfully, before the start of the show, Aamir requested viewer's discretion (though no direct apology to doctors). Anyhow, the show opened beautifully with the story of Shreya. My heart just went out to her and moved me to tears. Sai's and Krishnakant's stories were so inspiring. Even normal-abled people are not as optimistic as these people. And what their parents have done for them is the greatest gift of all - not giving up on them and treating them as normal people. Why do we fear people with disabilities? What KK said is so right - we can't keep blaming the government all the time, it's also the public's responsibility. Mr. Jawed Abidi used to live in the same building as I do, and it was only due to him that a ramp was built for access to the building. Now others with difficulty in walking are so grateful for that ramp.

For this episode, I truly applaud Satyamev Jayate.

However, I have a dilemma - there are a lot of people who would love to fight for social causes, and even make it their career. But why are social organizations always not-for-profit? Why do NGOs always have to request for monetary help? Why can't social workers be paid MNC salaries for carrying out a public responsibility? (Aren't ministers social workers too, for the country?)

Is anyone listening? Satyamev Jayate is supposedly only airing 13 social causes (as the rumor goes), but I wish they would tackle this too - give business recognition to our NGOs. If the basic resources were soundly based, then these social issues could be better solicited.

The Common (Indian) Man

The big men play their games,
The small men cry in pain,
And in between, are us common people,
Who do nothing but complain.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Shambhuji's ideology of monogamy

Warning - The content of this article is explicit. Narrow-minded people, and aunts&uncles who read my blog, kindly refrain from going further; but if you cannot, please do not hold me accountable.

Everyone has a funny incident from their early years that sticks on for a lifetime - and this is the account of that story of mine.

When I was interning in Psychiatry, it was the routine of taking up a patient's case study and discussing it with the consultant along with the patient, so that it would be a learning and teaching experience together. There were four consultants in the department, and on that eventful day, I had to present my case to Shumbhuji. When you looked at him, you really couldn't imagine him as a psychiatrist, with his big fat belly and lazy eyes, and would rather pass him on as a shop-keeper instead. He seemed to be the disinterested one, often caught sleeping during important seminars.

My patient that day, was disinterested in sex with her husband, due to which he started having an affair. It turned out that she had Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) wherein, she found sex a dirty act and needed to keep herself clean. Having reached the diagnosis, it was time for Shumbhuji to put on his show as the great counselor - आदमी का जो ____ होता है - I choked on the water I was drinking when I heard the word! I went red in the face and just wanted to crawl under the table. But Shumbhuji kept on about it's importance, why Lord Shiva's is worshiped, while my patient was completely enthralled as this sexual evolution of man was revealed to her!

His theory was that monogamy is based on the size of a man's tool (I am trying to be as decent as I can). Basis this, Man actually stands between the Chimpanzee and the Gorilla. (I wish I were artistic enough to actually draw that image, couldn't find it on the internet. But does this mean that the theory is wrong or no one bothered with the image? Anyhow, back to the story...) Chimpanzees have a smaller size and apparently do not stick to one female. The Gorilla on the other hand, has a much larger tool, and remains loyal to one female.

Hmm....and since then I have pondered on this theory, and discussed with girlfriends. But assumption were not enough, and I had to research whether this was true. Alas, I have no literature supporting this. The closest reference I got was from this bloghttp://alexk2009.hubpages.com/hub/Humans-are-not-monogamous-by-nature - We relatively hairless apes share a common ancestor with Bonobo Apes, Chimpanzees and Gorillas. Gorillas have harems, Chimpanzees have a power based society that lacks monogamy, and Bonobo Apes are most similar to humans in their sexual behaviour, but unlike humans they resolve disputes with sex not violence. We Humans exhibit sexual behaviour that has aspects from each of our three Great Ape Siblings.

Ironically, I came across an article by Dr. Phil that says the exact opposite, which I am NOT going to share because there are other points over which some women might obsess over and ruin a perfectly good relationship.

So N, I have finally shared this story, and we will never truly know whether Shumbhuji's ideology holds true.